The Senior Care “Reality Check”
- Perception: 37% of the population believes that they will need senior care.
- Reality: 69% of the population actually will need senior care.
Senior Care includes more than nursing homes….
- 61% will use home health care.
- 86% will use an informal caregiver.
- 51% will use nursing homes.
- 19% will use assisted living.
Why is there a drastic difference in people’s perception vs. reality?
- People are in denial over aging and what comes along with it.
- Consumers are optimistic in our youth-oriented culture. Why worry now anyway?
- People equate aging and long-term care with death and defeat.
- The reality of aging is not a powerful enough motivator until it hits close to home.
- Care has been driven by crisis management versus proactive and preventative care.
- There is not enough discussion on what long term care is. It’s not just “nursing homes”.
What are the consequences for not being prepared?
- If you are prepared, you can choose the care you receive. If you are unprepared, care is chosen for you.
- Without proper preparation, the financial and emotional stress on the family to be the caregiver can be devastating.
- For the unprepared, the need for long term care can result in a complete depletion of assets and/or bankruptcy.
- Proper planning gives consumers control of their care options and also eases the burden of family members.
- Most people falsely believe Medicare will cover the costs of long term care services they will need.
- Most people don’t have enough money to pay for long-term care out-of-pocket, but have too much to qualify for Medicaid.
How would you close the discrepancy gap?
- The best long-term care education comes from experience – when people have loved ones living the experience.
- Society, starting at a young age, needs to remove stigmas associated with aging. It’s okay to admit natural aging.
- Long-term care needs to get more mainstream media attention, and not just the risks, but the consequences of aging.
- Build more public awareness about aging and long-term care through real life examples of people receiving and giving care.
- Human resource departments should address the need for long term care planning in addition to retirement planning.
- Consumers need to understand chronic diseases and make lifestyle changes to reduce the associated health risks.
What advice do you have for consumers about their future care needs?
- Become your own advocate. Put together a plan that includes the proper legal and financial planning paperwork.
- Have consistent talks with your family about your long-term care plan and maintain the ongoing dialogue.
- Build your team of trusted advisors that includes family members, financial planner, estate planning attorney, etc.
- Include long term care as part of your retirement planning. Begin saving and preparing for those needs.
- Knowledge is power. Seek input and advice from those with both positive and negative long-term care experiences.
- Take care of yourself while you can. Make healthy choices to reduce risks and maximize your health.