Elder Care Nutrition
Proper nutrition is essential for people of all ages, but for many seniors, a well-balanced diet is the key to feeling their best. A variety of issues, from medications and illnesses to memory problems and physical constraints, can jeopardize a senior’s ability to maintain a balanced diet. Eating a reduced-salt diet is important in managing issues such as swelling in the ankles and legs.
Our CAREGivers will monitor nutrition and eating, assist with grocery shopping, and plan, prepare, and clean up after meals. Preparing meals for a client offers opportunities to interact as well as a chance to observe and record the client’s food intake.
10 Warning Signs that Seniors are not eating properly:
• Loss of appetite
• Little or no interest in eating out
• Depression
• Sudden weight fluctuation
• Expired or soiled food
• Skin Tone
• Lethargy
• Cognitive Problems (forgetting to eat)
• More than 3 medications
• A recent illness