Signs of Aging
Below are just a few signs of aging and things to look for in your loved ones to help determine if they need the services of Home Instead Senior Care:
Household bills piling up
Seniors can feel overwhelmed by the simple task of opening and responding to daily mail.
Reluctance to leave the house
Rather than ask for help, seniors who are having trouble with such functions as walking, remembering and hearing will pull away from their community and isolate themselves.
Losing interest in meals
Seniors who suddenly find themselves alone, perhaps after the death of a spouse, can be easily discouraged by such tasks as cooking and tend not to eat properly.
Declining personal hygiene
Changes in appearance, such as unkempt hair and body odor, failing to change clothes for days on end or clothes inappropriate for the weather, are among the most obvious signs that a senior needs assistance.
Declining driving skills
Look for evidence of parking or speeding tickets, fender-benders, dents and scratches on the car.
Scorched pots and pans
Cooking ware left forgotten on top of an open flame may be a sign of short-term memory loss or even Alzheimer’s disease.
Signs of depression
Feelings of hopelessness and despair, listlessness, fewer visits with friends and family, a change of sleeping patterns and lack of interest in the usual hobbies and activities are indicators of depression.
Miss doctors’ appointments and social engagements
These can be signs of depression or forgetfulness. But they can also be the result of no longer having a driver’s license and not knowing how to get alternative transportation.
Unkempt house
Changes in housekeeping may come about because the senior is physically tired. They could also result from depression.
Losing track of medications
Seniors often take multiple prescriptions for various health conditions. Keeping track without reminders and assistance can be confusing.