Santa To Seniors
Thank You Santas!
There are so many ways we can make a difference in someone’s life, young or old. At Christmas the spirit of giving is alive and well more so than any other time of the year. Every year, Home Instead Senior Care puts on our annual “Be a Santa to a Senior” event. The caregivers put a few items that each individual senior wants or needs on a paper ornament and places it on a tree. A participant selects one of the ornaments, gets the things that are listed, and then brings the unwrapped items to the Home Instead facility where they proceed to have a wrapping party for everyone to get together and wrap all of the gifts.
This year’s event was a success! Home Instead Senior Care would like to extend a big “Thank You” to everyone who participated! If you didn’t get a chance to participate this year, please keep this in mind for next year! Our goal is to continue to grow this event and make sure all of our seniors get to experience lots of Christmas cheer this time of the year!